Matching Gift Challenge: The NCUGRHA is sponsoring a Matching Gift Challenge thanks to two resolute and dedicated supporters. Gift donations will be matched dollar for dollar up to $10,000.
Martha Swan and the Board from John Brown Lives! suggested that Dick Gregory visit our museum while in the North Country for John Brown Day 2013 to get a sense of the work that NCUGRHA and others have done to uplift the freedom history of the region.
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26 files, last one added on May 14, 2013 Album viewed 1883 times
Photos taken by John Ryan, Editor of the Peru Gazette, during one of the Museum's summer bus tours of Underground Railroad sites in the Peru/Keeseville area. The tour was led by Peter Slocum, NCUGRHA Board Member and 2nd Vice President.
14 files, last one added on Sep 05, 2013 Album viewed 2088 times