Matching Gift Challenge: The NCUGRHA is sponsoring a Matching Gift Challenge thanks to two resolute and dedicated supporters.
Gift donations will be matched dollar for dollar up to $10,000.


Upcoming Events

  • September 7: Bus Tour

    Saturday, September 7

    A bus tour will depart from the North Star Underground Railroad Museum at 1131 Mace Chasm Rd, Ausable Chasm, NY.
    The tour will include the Stephen Keese Smith barn, the Methodist Church, the Evergreen Cemetery, the Quaker Union Cemetery, and the Asahel Arthur home.
    Cost is $10 per person.
    Make reservations by September 6: call 518-834-5180 or email

    Time: 10:00am-12:00pm

Our Mission

To research, preserve, interpret, and promote the Underground Railroad history of Northeastern New York's Waterways to Freedom and to celebrate the importance of that history and its relevance and significance to our own time. Our activities include:

  • Research
  • Exhibits
  • Preservation of historic sites
  • Instructional Materials
  • Media Presentations
  • Dramatic readings and displays

Museum Open

The North Star Underground Railroad Museum is now open.
Visit the Museum page for days and hours.

Docents Needed

Join the fun and become a docent at the North Star Underground Railroad Museum.

Call Jackie Madison, 518-834-5180.