
Friday, February 7, 2025 11:52 AM
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1) Alan D. Roberts 
Saranac Lake, NY Location
Monday, June 15, 2015 01:59 PM Permalink

My family and I were in the AuSable Chasm area yesterday and decided to stop in to your museum. I'm glad we did as I learned a little more about the Underground Railroad and it's history in the North Country. Since I we live in Saranac Lake we are well aware of John Brown and his creation of Timbuckto in North Elba, near Lake Placid. We were unaware of the story of John Thomas and his life in Vermontville and Bloomingdale, NY. I have shared a link to your organization and museum on Historic Saranac Lake's Wiki web page and this can be found at This history site is open to individuals who want to add to the historical record online and if you care to submit any content I'm sure Historic Saranac Lake would appreciate it. Have a Great Day, Alan Roberts
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