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Spingfield, Il Location
Sunday, August 25, 2019 12:16 PM Permalink

BEAUTIFUL! It's the closest I have found to "proper society" goings on related to the issue of a people's history. I hope to find a means for connecting the rail state to state in one united link for referencing purpose if nothing else. For certain, if the rush were on to accomplish what they did in those days some reference points ...point to point would be desired and necessary. Look forward to running thru your site with a few referrals of my own.
32) Richard L Daly 
Plattsburgh NY Location
Thursday, May 16, 2019 02:09 PM Permalink

It's been a while since I visited. Hope to bring a newcomer to area on opening day 25MAY2019.
31) Sharon Davis 
Georgetown, Texas Location
Saturday, August 13, 2016 10:44 AM Permalink

My husband and I lived in AuSable Chasm for 30 years and moved to Texas 12 years ago. We returned for a brief trip to the North Country in June and were so pleased to see activity in the house that had been neglected for years. We remembered when Walt Page lived there while he managed the Chasm tour. We entered and were simply amazed at the high quality of the exhibits, videos, materials and information presented. How we wish we could have gone on a bus tour to the different sites. Someday we hopefully will return to NY. We are proud of the efforts put into this creative and valuable little museum. What an asset to the area. Thank you to all who are involved.
30) Sarah Mueller 
Green Bay Wisconsin Location
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 12:23 AM Permalink

The North Star museum was one of the highlights of a recent trip I took to New York with my dad. We lived in Keeseville for a short time when I was a kid...39 years ago and we traveled back to check out the area. We were so very lucky to find the museum and learn the rich history of the UGRR. Jackie Madison gave us a private tour since it was closed for the season when we were there. We were lucky she happened to be in the day we showed up. Great lessons to be learned. I hope to talk to Jackie again soon!
29) Gail Shalhoub 
Brant Lake NY Location
Monday, December 28, 2015 09:13 AM Permalink

I went on to your website after reading a short article from the Adirondack Journal printed this summer. I knew that the Underground Railroad was active in the Adirondacks, but didn't know how close it was from our house. I look forward to visiting the museum in Ausable Chasm in 2016.
28) Alan D. Roberts 
Saranac Lake, NY Location
Monday, June 15, 2015 01:59 PM Permalink

My family and I were in the AuSable Chasm area yesterday and decided to stop in to your museum. I'm glad we did as I learned a little more about the Underground Railroad and it's history in the North Country. Since I we live in Saranac Lake we are well aware of John Brown and his creation of Timbuckto in North Elba, near Lake Placid. We were unaware of the story of John Thomas and his life in Vermontville and Bloomingdale, NY. I have shared a link to your organization and museum on Historic Saranac Lake's Wiki web page and this can be found at This history site is open to individuals who want to add to the historical record online and if you care to submit any content I'm sure Historic Saranac Lake would appreciate it. Have a Great Day, Alan Roberts
27) Agnes Beavers 
Moose Creek, AK, United States Location
Sunday, September 21, 2014 08:38 PM Permalink

Very nice! Lots of good info. Hope to go back again next year.
26) Steve Harvey 
PA Location
Friday, May 16, 2014 10:39 PM Permalink

My ancestor, Dr. Ellwood Harvey, was the family physician for William Still's family. He also was a founder for the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania which was the first college for female doctors in the world. To raise money for a dissection mannequin for the ladies he rescued Anna Maria Weems, the youngest person to travel on the UGRR by themselves.
25) Kevin Harding 
glen burnie, md Location
Saturday, August 17, 2013 05:45 PM Permalink

My family had a wonderful time at the museum. The funny thing is My family came to see the ausable chasm, but i needed to use the bathroom, after using the bathroom i decided to watch one of the shows, I had no idea that I would be Moved to tears. After the show I needed to see if it was on dvd. I also realized that I attend church on a weekly basis but had no idea the circumstances that surround the creation of beautiful music. Thank you for opening my eyes.

Kevin h.,CEO, hands of support
24) Kate Mortimer 
Thetford Center, Vermont Location
Sunday, June 2, 2013 10:06 PM Permalink

My father and I had a lovely visit to your museum recently. I was very impressed by the presentation of information, by the personal and poignant stories portrayed, and by the fabulous audio-visual presentation. I also loved the wide selection of materials offered in your gift shop. Something for all ages!

Thanks to Margaret, Mitch and Charlie for their knowledge. I hope to return and am encouraging others to visit too.
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